Category: Kefir

There are two varieties of kefir grains: water kefir and milk kefir. Both types of kefir grains have common topics. The common topics will be published here.

water kefir grains

The Health Benefits of Kefir

What is Kefir and Its Health Benefits? What is kefir? Kefir is a fermented drink made by combining kefir grains with milk and allowing it to ferment for 24 hours. According to Jane, a licensed nutritionist with her own business, the bacteria and yeasts in the kefir grains convert the sugars in milk into lactic acid during this time, giving it a slightly sour taste....

Milk kefirgrains 0

Health Benefits of Kefir: Buy kefir grains online

Kefir health benefits Kefir grains come in two varieties. The most common are the milk kefir grains, and the others are the water kefir grains. The Kefir users agree that the first users of kefir were the people of the Caucasus, Russia. The story tells about how the people of the Caucasus accidentally discovered kefir grains in the leather bags where they kept their milk....

water kefir grains

Buy fresh kefir grains? Which kefir to buy?

Where to buy Kefir? Kefir is one of the absolute superstars of healthy food. Kefir grains are a fantastic combination of lactic acid bacteria and yeasts in a definite matrix of proteins, lipids, and sugars. This symbiotic matrix (or SCOBY) forms “kefir grains” that resemble cauliflower. It is highly beneficial even for lactose intolerance and is used in various parts of the world. It has...

waterkefir 0

Homemade Kefir Making Benefits

1. You’ll save money: Homemade Kefir is better than Store-Bought Kefir is a beneficial fermented probiotic beverage with a thicker consistency than yogurt and an extensive list of health advantages. Making your kefir is beneficial for both your physical and financial wellness. Making your kefir at home is simple, and many think it tastes better. You can quickly manufacture your own kefir at home if...


How to handle milk kefir grains?

How to maintain Milk Kefir Grains? Dairy kefir is a cultured milk beverage known for its numerous probiotic benefits. It’s a fermented milk product high in beneficial yeast and bacteria. After purchasing kefir grains, many people make kefir at home. Kefir grains are typically tiny chunks of bacteria and yeast mixed with sugars, fats, caseins, and milk proteins. Kefir grains can be kept for an...

Make Yogurt at Home - Homemade Yogurt

Buy cultured dairy products like kefir: Kefir grains for sale

Healthy cultured kefir and other dairy products Cultured dairy products are healthy and nutritious. You can find the popularity of cultured products everywhere around the globe. They are consumed in enormous quantities in every country. All people love probiotic dairy products such as cultured yogurt and kefir as they have tremendous beneficial properties. If you think that cultured dairy products mean only yogurt and kefir,...


Where to buy Kefir grains?

Where to get Kefir grains? Kefir is a cultured milk product with a vast range of health benefits. It is a creamy product containing a refreshing flavor and a sour tart. It has plenty of beneficial yeasts and probiotic bacteria that contribute to kefir’s several health benefits. Kefir is made with kefir grains, which are gelatinous yellow or white particles. Kefir grains contain yeast or...

We advise NOT to use metal utensils while making kefir 1

Which Equipment for Making Kefir?

Choosing Equipment for making Kefir Kefir grains are a great blessing from Prophet Mohammad and have innumerable qualities to induce good health. Hence, when making kefir milk, one must be aware of the utensils and other things used in the process. It is a big question nowadays whether metal objects can be used when preparing milk kefir. The fact is, when this unique product was...

sauerkraut 0

The Benefits of Lactic Acid Fermentation

The Health Benefits of Fermented Foods We often consume many good foods about which we hardly know what it is or their benefits. The best example of such foods is yogurt, pickled vegetables, and many others. All these specialty foods use lactic acid fermentation, a biological process in which glucose, sucrose, lactose, and other sugars are changed into metabolite lactate and cellular energy. What causes...

Milk kefirgrains 0

Kefir Helps Lactose Intolerance and Candida

Kefir is tolerated by lactose-intolerant people Kefir has a massive range of health benefits because of its probiotic properties. Kefir is generally prepared from the milk of cows, goats, or sheep. Both yogurt and kefir are made from fermented milk. However, the health benefits of kefir are plenty in comparison to yogurt. Kefir keeps the digestive system of human beings clean and healthy because of...